Hot Town, Summer In the City

Between the recent unseasonably beautiful summer weather and the heat generated by the recent European Championship events and Festival18, Glasgow City has had a real summer vibes glint in its eye this month.

I have been working throughout July and August with one of my favourite clients on their George Square #Glasgow2018 marketing campaign and it has been a real pleasure to witness our fine city pitching at it’s peak hospitality game. There is no city on earth like Glasgow when it has thrown its doors open and rolled out the proverbial red carpet, and this month we have been welcoming elite sportspeople, visitors and media crews from all corners of the globe. Give a Glaswegian a reason to moan about the town infrastructure, the miserable weather in winter or your team’s Saturday afternoon performance and you will witness an Oscar performance in classic Scottish whinging, but give us a reason to shout from the rooftops? I dare you… ask us to tell YOU how amazing our city is, how vibrant our music scene, how creative our arts, how historic our buildings, how friendly our people, how storied our academic institutions… and we will make it a gold medal winning event.

The European Championships have given us yet another reason to put together a party and show off – from the Merchant
City, Tontine Lane and George Square, to Cathkin Braes, Loch Lomond and crowd favourite The Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, the people of Glasgow have embraced this most sporting of occasions and set fire to the city.

I have been proud to play even the smallest of roles and watch the festivities from the sidelines. Events like this are a real boon to small businesses in and around the city and you have to capitalise when this huge platform and global audience is handed to you on a city-wide plate. It has been a pleasure to experience the atmosphere in my home town these last ten days, but, most importantly, I hope that this incredible event has shown my city, and my clients, for the real gold medallists that they are.