Month in Review - July 2020

It’s August! Yet another month has spun by in full fast forward and here we are rocketing into the second half of 2020. If July is anything to go by, the year is still in full throttle and moving into autumn there is plenty to keep us busy, entertained and on the move!


Traditionally the mother-lode of work vs home-life summer holiday stress, July has proven itself to be remarkably straightforward. After months of home schooling and multi tasking, a few weeks of finding entertainment for even the most deranged of children, has been a cake walk in comparison to most of the year so far – AND IT’S BEEN SUNNY SOMETIMES. No complaints here. We’ve been off the hook as usual at Compass HQ so here’s the run down of a month of venturing out, eating in and working out!





It’s been a taxing year for all, especially it must be noted for our hospitality and tourism clients. The easing of Government restrictions for many aspects of our social lives has meant that two of our wonderful clients are back in action and back to their very best.

Elia Greek restaurant in George Square has been keeping us all in Souvlaki since June, thanks to their home delivery service but now the doors to their Cretan home-from-home are open and we can’t wait to book our table and enjoy the fruits (grilled meats) of their incredible kitchen.

Dim Sum, another firm Compass favourite, have also gotten back into fifth gear and have been welcoming their customers back in droves. Socially distanced droves of course. We’ve always known here at CHQ about their fabulous menu and excellent service, but we are delighted to see that the great Glasgow public are agreeing with us!


Elia Greek Restaurant

Elia Greek Restaurant

Dim Sum Glasgow

Dim Sum Glasgow




As with last month, the education never stops here at Compass HQ and this month has been all about software and new apps.

Jo has been cornering the market in video edit software, getting her spurs with Adobe Premiere, Premiere Rush and Kinemaster among others, while Gen has been adding to her vast array of mobile darkroom apps by enlisting Enlight and Photoshop to her on-the-move arsenal. There are so many design and edit apps and software on the market that it’s a minefield so we are most happy here at Compass to road test and fine tune before paying the important bits forward.

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Another favourite client Cameron Interiors were also delighted to get up close and personal with their social distancing protocols in order to get both their Edinburgh and Glasgow studies open again.

They’ve made sure that both staff and clients alike can get back to collaborative design greatness, secure in their safety and well being, whilst delivering the most to-die-for kitchens. Seriously – check out their Instagram feed to drool-inspiring kitchens. A must see for anyone, who like us possesses a bulthaup obsession.






This month’s little literary and cultural loves? 

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Rodham by Curtis Sittenfeld

A Woman Is No Man by Etaf Rum


The Old Guard (Netflix) because Charlize,  

Down to Earth with Zac Efron (Netflix) don’t judge me, it’s science.






Facebook Ads still got you all in a pickle? Fear not, we have put together the perfect package to ensure you can rest assured your social media marketing spend is going in the right place.

✔︎ Our remote training is for local businesses to enable them to take control of their own paid social advertising.

✔︎ From beginner to advanced you can train and navigate at your own pace

✔︎ Just practical processes and training to give you the power to run your own ads.


- Free digital audit

- 4 weeks of follow-up support to help you implement the training!

Book your call with us now to find out more…




Jumping on a plane is so last year, so this summer Compass HQ will be decamping to the wilds of our very own national countryside to enjoy the beauty and grandeur of our Scottish wilderness. Ok, so perhaps the staycation is more of a necessity than a specific choice, thanks to yet another knock on effect of 2020’s favourite global pandemic, but frankly, we’re glad. One of our most important national import AND exports has long been the warmth of Scottish hospitality and the wild beauty of our landscapes and if it has taken the Coronavirus to get everyone on board then so be it. We can’t wait and hope everyone has a wonderful break if they are off on an adventure themselves.

Get out there and explore but remember, leave only footprints people.

Our wild places are known across the globe because we leave no trace. Make sure you continue to do the same.






The UK has been reporting huge numbers of newly adopted cats and dogs as an unexpected side effect to this year’s lockdown and quarantine. Due to the home-based restrictions, the SPCA & Battersea Dog Homes among many others, are reporting that there has been a significant uptake in foster care and full-time adoptions since March of this year . There hasn’t been a great deal of good news of late, but this piece of lockdown knock-on has given us the warm fuzzies.

Editor’s note: Anecdotally, our northern satellite Melvich-based office, is also proud to report back that since Channel 5’s The Highland Vet has been airing, UK wide love of tiny hand reared newly born Highland calves has been on the rise. This has no statistical evidence as yet, but we can all agree that it is most likely to be true.


(And yes, before you ask, every Month in Review blog WILL have a picture of a small adorable creature and we’ll say no more about it)