Ready Player One

While yoga, meditation and cyclical breathing are all excellent means of keeping the mind calm and the body stress-free, for Compass' Jo Wyke, however, a different approach is required. 

 Strap on your boxing gloves and punch something. Ideally an actual punch bag of course, under supervision, direction and professional attention to detail. Compass does not condone the use of force or aggression under any non-fitness related circumstances, naturally, but boxing, MMA and martial arts are where she finds her zen.

Keeping still, breathing deeply and emptying the mind can be ridiculously tricky and more traditional stress releasing activities like yoga or meditation don’t always come easy. Notorious for once swearing at an actual yoga instructor (an old friend, so fair play), Jo has a mind like a hyperactive lemur so asking her to chill and think about her happy place is, frankly, ludicrous. Kicking, punching and pretending to be Conor Macgregor’s angry (slightly) older sister? Much more relaxing.  

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This unlikely approach has included picking up MMA, boxing and a bit of Taikwando, with more traditional strength training to compliment the combat. The pressures of daily life can take their toll and for someone who has difficulty expressing the strain - outwith a masterful Resting Bitch Face – these disciplines are an outlet that has become irreplaceable. Sweat it out and kick your imaginary foes in the you-know-whats. It’s about as liberating as it can get when you’re 41 with a small child and a variety of responsibilities, obligations and idiosyncrasies.

Both physically taxing and excellent for cardio – please note, however, mastering double-unders in skipping can be interesting if you have ever given birth. Most importantly, it has been game changing for stress levels and mental health. In this freshly minted fourth decade, she has found a new lease of life and might even be (*whisper it*) “fitter than she’s ever been”, with the makings of an actual six pack deep (deep deep) below the child bearing hips.

At the end of the day, whatever helps you maintain your equilibrium, the world is your oyster.  Whether Pilates, Yoga, Running, Weights, Swimming, a windy walk or just beating the whatsit out of an inanimate object, pick your own path and follow it wherever it leads. Everyone needs their fitness outlet and there are so many to choose from. 

In the meantime, however, you can keep your quiet time, she'll be practicing getting her roundhouse up at about 5’ 10” if you need her...